I am in a P.P.C.D class this semester, working with students ages three to five. They are at all levels cognitively so I had to put some thought into what I could help my student create that he, or any of the other students could use again. The student I will be working with I chose because he is my biggest talker and enjoys working in school.
During the school day, we really try to engage the students in as much conversation as possible to develop their speech. We want all the students to be able to express their needs and desires verbally.
For this project my student will record himself saying what he wants for snack with several options, how he is feeling, with several options as well.
I want ______ please.
I am feeling _______ today.
For the second part of the project we will take pictures of all of the options. With help my student will create a slide show of the pictures and voice threads and link it to the student's own blog named Steven's Blog.
I created a permission form that allowed me to use his voice and post it on a blog.
Communication is so vital for all people but sometimes I think it is even more important for students with disabilities. Your idea is a great one to get them communicating their choices.